
English is taught daily at St Michael’s with a focus on speaking and listening to develop Oracy and vocabulary. We use the Talk for Writing approach following our whole school writing overview. This enables children to imitate and internalise the language they need for a particular genre orally before reading and analysing it and then writing their own version. It builds on 4 key phases: Imitation, Innovation, Invention and Independent Application.
English progression documents

English curriculum coverage and progression

Spelling and grammar progression lower key stage 2

Spelling and grammar progression upper key stage 2
Year group curriculum overviews

Year Three

Year Four

Year Five

Year Six

Reading offer

Virtual Library

Read Write Inc (phonics)
For more information about the Read Write Inc phonics program, please follow this link to the parental information:
Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics | Oxford Owl

Parent booklet 1

Parent booklet 2
Spelling and Grammar

We deliver our Spelling Curriculum through a phoneme centred approach. This enables children to revisit words and phonemes numerous times, presented in different ways throughout Key Stage 2. This enables children to develop secure phonics knowledge, language comprehension and communication skills.
National Curriculum:
