Christian Distinctiveness
As a Church School we embrace the teaching of religious education at St Michael's and see it as an opportunity for children to ask questions, learn more about the world around them as well as explore moral and spiritual concepts.
As required by the 1988 Education Reform Act, Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Bath and North East Somerset Agreed Syllabus, Awareness, Mystery and Value (AMV).
We have been using the Understanding Christianity resource to support our teaching of Christianity in RE. This is helping us all to engage in the Big Story of the Bible and some of the core concepts at the heart of Christianity. These resources have reinvigorated our passion for the subject at school and the children are embracing these lessons which they love!
We teach Religious Education for at least 1 hour a week and make links in other subjects when we can. Children are given the opportunity to learn about the six major religions of the world, with at least 3 units per year focusing on the teaching of Christianity. As a Church School, we celebrate our Christian Values across all aspects of school life but offer the children the opportunity to make their own decisions regarding Christianity and religion in general.
If you have any questions about our scheme of work for RE in school, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to pop in for an informal chat.
Please click on the SIAMS link below for our latest report.
The BWMAT Collective Worship and RE Policies are available here: Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust - Policies
SIAMS Report
RE Curriculum